lesson دراستي - Lesson 5: Graduation party reviews

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 5: Graduation party reviews

"Past Continuous Tense"

ملحوظة !!! يمكن أن يأتي هذين الزمنين معا في جملة واحدة حدثين معاً في نفس الوقت لإخبارنا بأن حدث وقع في وسط حدث آخر فيكون الحدث الطويل في زمن الماضي المستمر والحدث القصير في زمن الماضي البسيط.

عادة نستخدم مع هذا الموضوع أدوات الربط (when/while) ولكل واحدة استخدام:

  • when: تأتي مع الحدث القصير.
  • while: تأتي مع الحدث الطويل.

أمثلة امتحانية:

EX: When I (call) called Ali, I (play) was playing football. (correct)

EX: I called Ali. I was playing football. (Join. Use: while)

I called Ali while I was playing football.

EX: I was playing football (when / while) I called Ali. (Choose)

تمرين (A) كتاب النشاط ص65. جميع هذه الجمل غير صحيحة. إقرأ الرسائل مرة أخرى ثم صحح الأخطاء.

A. All these sentences are incorrect. Read the letters again and correct the mistakes.

Dalia's review:

1. The hall was empty at 10.00.

The hall was full at 10.00.

2. The students were wearing their home clothes.

The students were wearing their uniforms.

3. The audience were being noisy.

The audience were being patient.

4. The arts team hadn't practiced.

The arts team had practiced (a lot).

5. A few people were unhappy.

Everybody was smiling. / The audience were clapping loudly at the end.

Sara's review

6. Sara arrived very early.

Sara arrived late.

7. Sara got a seat in the middle of the hall.

Sara had to stand right at the back.

8. The students around Sara were being quiet.

The students around Sara were chatting loudly.

9. Nobody was clapping at the end.

The rest of the audience clapped at the end.

10. Sara enjoyed the graduation party because she had a good seat.

Sara didn't enjoy the party because she didn't have a good seat.

تمرين (B) كتاب النشاط ص66. أجعل هذه الجمل منفية.

B. Make these sentences negative.

1. The hall was empty.

The hall wasn't empty.

2. The students were wearing school uniform.

The students weren't wearing school uniform.

3. The arts team were performing very well.

The arts team weren't performing very well.

4. Sara enjoyed standing at the back.

Sara didn't enjoy standing at the back.

5. People were shouting at the arts team.

People weren't shouting at the arts team.

6. The audience stayed very quiet.

The audience didn't stay quite.

تمرين (C) كتاب النشاط ص66. أكتب الأفعال بصيغه الماضي البسيط أو الماضي المستمر.

C. Write the verbs in the past simple or past continuous.

Majid arrived at 8 p.m..His wife (make) was making dinner, his older son (do) was doing his homework and his younger son (get ready) was getting ready for bed.
First, he (help) helped one son with his mathematics.
Then he (read) read a story to the other son, and family, he and his wife (eat) ate dinner.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
