lesson دراستي - Lesson 8: An interesting job

حلول أسئلة الصف الرابع الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 8: An interesting job

تمرين (B) كتاب النشاط ص34.

B. Read and listen to the story on Students Book page 23 and choose the best answer.

1. What didn't Sally like about her job?

a) She didn't like being away from her family.

b) She didn't like seeing new places.

c) She didn't like using a computer.

2. What did Sally have to do when she travelled?

a) She had to pack the children's clothes.

b) She had to pack the children's books.

c) She had to pack th children's passports.

3. Why couldn't Sally get on the plane to Italy?

a) She had forgetten her passport.

b) She had carrying too many suitcases.

c) She had gone to the airport on the wrong day.

4. Why was Ben tired on the day of his Maths exam?

a) He had gone to bed late the night before.

b) He had been playing football.

c) He had been acting all day.

5. What happened during the Maths exam?

a) Ben read a book.

b) Ben feel asleep.

c) Sally fell asleep.

الماضي التام البسيط: Past perfect simple:

يستخدم الماضي التام للتعبير عن حدث حصل في الماضي قبل حدث اخر أيضا في الماضي أي الماضي التام هي جملة الحدث الأقدم أما الحدث الأخير فيكون بصيغة الماضي البسيط ويكون حسب القاعدة التالية:


grammar 2

غالبا تكون هناك أدوات ربط بين جملة الماضي البسيط والماضي التام.

1. لبيان التتابع الزمني حيث يأتي بعدها الحدث الآخر (الماضي البسيط) وقبلها الحدث الأقدم ماضي تام.

grammar 3


My friend had left when I arrived

2. يستخدم الماضي التام لبيان السبب والنتيجة أيضا حيث يكون السبب دائما ماضي تام (الحدث الأقدم) والنتيجة ماضي بسيط (الحدث الثاني).


She was late for dinner because she had missed the bus

الماضي التام المستمر Past perfect continous:

للتعبير بأن هناك حدث في الماضي استغرق فترة زمنية (ماضي تام مستمر) تبعه حدث آخر بالماضي أيضا (ماضي بسيط) أي أن الماضي التام المستمر هو الحدث الأقدم أيضا لكنه استغرق وقت لحصوله ويكون حسب القاعدة التالية:

grammar 4

تمرين (C) كتاب النشاط ص35. اختر الجواب الصحيح:

C. Read about Noor's day. Circle the correct words.

1) was

2) hadn't studied

3) had left

4) was

5) had asked

6) called

7) had gone

8) ate

9) had bought

10) asked

11) studied

Read about Faten's day. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

words c

I didn't have a very day yesterday. After doing my chores, I phoned my friend Mariam.

She didn't want to come to my house for lunch because she had already eaten, so we decided to go to the cinema later.

My bicycle had a puncture so I had to walk there. It took longer than I thought, but I couldn't phone Mariam because I had left my mobile at home.

When I got to the cinema, Mariam was angry because she had been waiting for me for 15 minutes.

Mariam wanted to watch a video, but I didn't want to because I had seen it before, so I went home.

When I got home, my mother was sitting in the living room. She was tired because she had been working in the garden all afternoon.

She asked me to go to the bakery.

It was hot, but I walked to the bakery because I knew my mother was tired. But when I got there, I couldn't buy any bread because the bakery had closed.

حلول أسئلة الصف الرابع الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
