lesson دراستي - Lesson 5: Now you too can be green

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 5: Now you too can be green

A. Complete the article with words from the box.

words a

  • People ask why should we recycle things? They say that Recyling makes a lot of extra work - we have to make our rubbish to different bins.
  • And thinks like paper and glass are cheap, so what's the problem?
  • Well, I say to those people: There are two good reasons why we should recycle paper, glass, metal and perhaps other things, too.
  • The first reason is this: the rubbish dumps near our towns and cities are getting bigger every year. These dumps are dirty and dangerous.
  • We are destroying the beauty of our country.
  • The second is an economic reason:
  • They make the paper, and then they carry it thousands of miles to - us that uses a lot of oil. We use the paper once, and then we throw it away.
  • Instead, we should use the old paper to make new paper; it is a cheap and easy process. If we do this, we will save money and protect the environment.

C. Match the sentences.


حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
